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/who i am


My name is Jessica Moes and I am a Minnesota native passionate about the intersection of communications and community development, both internationally and locally, be it through tight, calculated journalism,  emerging and established non-profit work, or government affairs.

I am currently a senior at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota studying English, media, and middle eastern studies. On campus, I write and work for the St. Olaf Office of Marketing and Communications, developing web and print pieces about current St. Olaf community events, notable students and alumni, and developing college programs.  I also serve as the Arts and Entertainment editor for the St. Olaf Manitou Messenger  (the campus newspaper) and am the executive editor of Her Campus St. Olaf, St. Olaf's online magazine for college-aged women, writing about community events, notable community figures, travel, and hard-hitting news. 
My experiences span both print and online media, in both written and visual forms. I have highlighted here the pieces that I feel best express my established career and skill set, but my full portfolio can be viewed by clicking through the links at the top of this page.
For more information, please contact me.

Thank you for visiting my digital portfolio!



Students study mathematical learning from a linguistic perspective

Published on the St. Olaf website on December 17, 2013

This piece highlights my ability to vividly capture a St. Olaf program in a well-formed, developed feature article for the expansive St. Olaf community, including potential students.




Howard Thorsheim '63 - Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience

​Published in â€‹St. Olaf alumni magazine in Spring 2012

This piece showcases one of my favorite interviews with a beloved professor in preparation for his retirement.




Up Above the Nile So High

Published on Her Campus St. Olaf on December 7, 2012

This piece highlights my ability to write in the form of "travel journalism," that is, evoking a sense of place in small, vivid details, while focusing on a larger, over-arching idea.





Meet Ben Keisling: Ice Explorer and Scientist Extraordinaire

​Published on HerCampus St. Olaf  on May 8, 2012

This fascinating student profile required me to speak on authority about a subject that I knew next-to-nothing about: glacial science.




Cole's tai chi lessons offer insight on form and strength

​Published in the Manitou Messanger on October 17, 2013 (and online)

This piece asked me to take on an immersive, long-term investigative collaboration with another writer to create a long-form features-syle article about a St. Olaf professor who teaches quasi-secret lessons on tai chi.

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